Hottest EdTech Bloggers

4 N2N approved EdTech Bloggers
At N2N, we pride ourselves in being on the cutting edge of education and technology, and we’re constantly looking for new and innovative ways to help students learn and professors teach. That’s why we pay close attention to the best edtech bloggers and their ideas. Edtech blogs are useful for both faculty and administrators, and there are quite a few of them around. There are plenty of great edtech blogs out there for you to follow, but we’ve brought together some of our favorites. So take a look at these edtech bloggers and see what you’ve been missing out on.
ProfHacker is an engaging and informative blog with an entire team of higher ed experts as contributors. Readers get a great look at fresh, varied content on teaching, technology, and everything in between. Edited by Jason B. Jones, Director of Educational Technology at Trinity College, and George H. Williams, Associate Professor of English at the University of South Carolina Upstate, ProfHacker provides an insightful look at edtech, from a the point of view of a slew of different writers who know it best.
The blog is published by Anthony Salcito, a vice president of education at Microsoft. Salcito uses the blog to highlight inspiring educators, as well as break down technology and policy in classrooms around the world. Salcito also encourages readers to submit names of inspirational educators, and explores the issues surrounding accessibility to education around the world.
Hack Education
Audrey Watters blog is one of the most thought-provoking and insightful blogs in edtech. A “recovering academic,” Watters offers thoughts on the future of technology and education, from someone who’s both finished degrees and dropped out of them. Frustrated by the lack of edtech coverage, Watters began Hack Education in 2010 with the goal of, “trying to create the sort of publication that I’d want to read: one that’s smart and snarky, one that’s free of advertising and investor influence.”
College Web Editor
Blogger Karine Joly sums up College Web Editor as, “News, tips and, hopefully, some good ideas for people taking care of websites and online marketing in colleges and universities.” Begun in 2005, the blog now boasts more than 10,000 unique page views each month, as visitors come to learn about the Web, marketing, and PR in higher education. Joly is the founder of Higher Ed Experts and author of the capstone graduate course for the MBA in social media marketing at Southern New Hampshire University.
These bloggers all share one common trait—a passion for education, and a desire to see technology improving the lives of students, teachers, and administrators. When you work with N2N, you’re getting a partner that shares those same passions. We see an opportunity to use edtech to create a fully integrated campus that works for everyone. So contact N2N Services today if you’d like to learn more about the intersection of education and technology, and what we can accomplish together.