Is Your Institution Equipped To Support Disadvantaged Students?

Everyone involved in higher ed ultimately has one goal – helping students succeed.
In fact, it might be better stated this way – helping as many students succeed as possible.
That means truly supporting every single student currently attending your institution, as well as making the top-notch education you provide available to as many new, incoming students as possible, too.
But of course, this is a mammoth task.
And the difficulty of this task is borne out by the data.
The recent report Some College, No Degree 2019, from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, shines a light on the fact that today, there are 36 million adults in the U.S. who started college, but for whatever reason, weren’t able to finish.
Could have been grades, could have been financial issues, could have been family situations, could have been behavior…
But so many of those ‘could have beens’ could have been a different story, if only there had been a better way to support them when they were still enrolled.
Then too, there are the potential students.
How much support is your institution really able to give, to help as many potential students from as many different backgrounds as possible enroll in your school in the first place?
And I’m not talking financial support, though that’s a part of it.
I’m talking strategically targeting specific high schools in your recruiting efforts…giving counselors the tools and info they need to help guide students through a successful application…offering flexible options like online classes so more students can afford and fit your college education into their lives.
There are only two ways to offer this intensive level of support for new and existing students – hire more people, or use new tech.
But either option seems to require more money than the budget allows.
Hence the 36 million college dropouts…and the 30% of U.S. high school grads each year that don’t even apply in the first place.
But what if your institution could make a change in the level of support you’re able to provide both of these demographic groups – and without a huge financial outlay?
What if you could easily, quickly, and affordably implement a whole host of new apps that would help you provide exactly the type of support students need to succeed?
Apps for student use to make navigating college easier…software to enable better analytics reporting, and thus more strategic outreach and recruiting…student success software to better identify current students at risk…platforms to offer online courses…any app or platform that makes college access and college success more of a reality for more students.
The answer is N2N’s Illuminate.
Integrating all those apps and platforms into your existing SIS ecosystem yourself would be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive.
But once you have the Illuminate application, it becomes a simple matter of plugging their APIs into our platform, no custom coding required, for quick, seamless integration with every part of your existing SIS set-up.
At N2N, we believe a college degree should be accessible to all.
So we’re doing our part to help colleges and universities make that dream into a reality.
Contact us today for a free demo, to see how we can help you help students.