What All the Buzz Was About At Elive 2019

Who doesn’t love a good conference?!
They’re almost like company-sanctioned mini-vacations – travel, eating out, hotels, excitement, a change from the everyday…and this was New Orleans!
And then there are the more practical benefits – informational and inspirational keynotes and workshops…networking opportunities…and the chance to chat with your target market to find out exactly what problems they’re looking to solve, and share with them how you could help them do just that!
As an Ellucian Partner at Elive 2019, we definitely felt the excitement and buzz had been ramped up this year. That was probably at least partially due to the fact that the event was held in beautiful New Orleans, and featured surprise marching band performances and jazz bands everywhere you turned – but we also felt it in the number of attendees who stopped by our booth to talk, and the enthusiasm they all showed when we told them about Illuminate, our API management platform.
Yes, we know – excitement around an API management platform?
It sounds pretty nerdy, but it’s easy to get excited about Illuminate when you see how it can help your institution solve a major problem, save a ton of time and money, or create something startlingly innovative in order to better serve your students.
That’s the moment we live for at these conferences – chatting with someone about the crushingly time-consuming task of manually importing data, or the uniquely challenging way their institution has to handle certain data, or the thrilling new project they’re planning – and then watching their excitement grow as we show them how simple it is to fix their problem or bring their project to life with Illuminate.
Illuminate, simply put, is an integration tool. It allows you to integrate any and all of your apps, programs, and databases with each other so they can communicate seamlessly – so you don’t have to worry about manual data transfer or data quality assurance, and are free to innovate.
We’ve helped colleges set up scheduled SIS to SaaS web-service transfers and automate .csv exports…simplify and streamline data transfer processes to free up resources and save massive amounts of time and money while increasing data quality…and create exciting, complex new projects allowing students to complete their degrees more easily and quickly.
In the end, it’s not about the data, or the process, or the platform. It’s about the people. It’s about empowering the people in your institution to better serve the people in your student body. Everything else is just a tool to reach that goal. That’s why we were excited to connect with so many people at Elive this year -and that’s why we’d love the chance to connect with you, too. Contact us today to let us know how we can best help the people at your institution, and to try a free demo of Illuminate today.