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Increasing Student Retention and Completion on Campuses Around the Country
This blog post is part of a series discussing critical aspects of the Educause report “Top 10 IT Issues 2020: The Drive to Digital Transformation Begins.” One of the unfortunate realities of higher education is that not everyone who enters the...
Solving Data Integration Challenges for the Constantly Connected Student
This is the first in a series of posts discussing critical aspects of the Educause report “Top 10 IT Issues 2020: The Drive to Digital Transformation Begins.” Although Educause’s annual top ten list of higher ed IT issues was released months before covid disruptions...
N2N’s Commitment To US Elections
I had an opportunity to review the website for Make Time to Vote, and their mission statement inspired me. Workers shouldn’t have to choose between earning a paycheck and voting. Time To Vote is a nonpartisan movement, led by the business community, to contribute to...
Ellucian Ethos Implementation and Training Services
Call us today for a free evaluation!
N2N Services successfully completes SOC 2 audit
N2N Services, Inc., a provider of secure and holistic cloud integration, today is pleased to announce the successful completion of a System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2® Type I Audit examination for N2N’s Illuminate Integration Platform. N2N Services, Inc....
Support Student Success with Machine Learning
To download our free whitepaper on machine learning and find out how Lighthouse can help your institution, click here (We won't even ask for your email!): N2N Illuminate Lighthouse: A Student Success Module for Academic Advising Contact us today for a...
Achieving Eudaimonia
When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself. - Plato On the surface, philosophers and entrepreneurs do not have much in common. When we think of a typical philosopher - we envision someone clad in a loincloth, thinking and brooding on his own, shunning...
How To Maximize Your University’s Admissions Resources
You know, you’d think that at an institution of higher learning, of all places, there would be some sort of exception to the whole ‘human limitation’ thing. Colleges and universities exude an atmosphere of hope, ambition, excitement, drive, innovation, and endless...
4 Steps To Creating An Effective, Realistic Marketing Plan For Your Overwhelmed College Admissions Department
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an admissions department in possession of a reasonably-sized staff…probably still doesn’t have the resources to spend much time thinking about marketing.” -What Jane Austen would have said...
Why N2N is better than yoga, chocolate, or wine
We’ve all got our own ways of dealing with stress. Some of us try to prevent it with morning rituals like yoga, meditation, or journaling. Some of us mindlessly binge on our favorite comfort foods when stress and overwhelm hit. And some of us break out the adult...
What’s Your Institution’s Top IT Issue?
It’s Monday morning. And oh, is it ever a Monday. You sit down at a table, ready for your first meeting of the week. And you can already feel it coming. You know what’s about to be discussed…and you know that you’re probably going to have to temper someone’s...
What Does It Take To Be a Data-Enabled Institution – and Why Would You Want To Be One?
How do you make decisions at your college or university? Do you toss a coin? Pick out of a hat? Consult the augurs? Of course not! As all geeks, nerds, and dweebs know, data makes the world go ‘round. Every organization uses data to make decisions. From student...
Tapestry of Integration
You know, we may be tech nerds here at N2N, but what people often don’t know is that we’ve got an artistic side, too. And since our integration solution, Illuminate, is specifically made for the higher ed market, and that’s the world we come from and spend our days...
Provost Enthusiasm?
As Provost, it’s your duty (and often a pleasure!) to attend education conferences, learn about the latest and greatest in edtech and higher ed in general, and then bring that newly acquired knowledge back to your university to support the growth and development of...
Build vs. Buy: The True Cost of DIY Integration
This is the story of Bob. Bob is a university CIO. Bob is in charge of allocating his IT team’s hours strategically, so that everything gets done and everyone is happy. So every year, Bob adds up all the working hours that each of his team members will be able to...
Free Puppies vs. Free Beer: Which Is Right For Your University?
You know, the word ‘free’ has a lot of baggage attached to it. “Nothing in life is free,” and yet, “the best things in life are free.” It probably all depends on what exactly you mean by “free.” If we’re talking prices at a store, then yeah, of course, you can’t put...
Rawhide: API Edition
It’s a little known fact that data behaves a lot like a herd of cattle. It needs to be herded by experts in order to get to the right places. It can be compromised if that herding process isn’t being watched with an eagle eye. And it can overwhelm anyone trying to...
N2N’s Illuminate: Integration By Higher Ed, For Higher Ed
Higher ed is a world unto itself. Sure, it shares a few characteristics with for-profit businesses…a few with nonprofits…a few with K-12 schools. But the world of academia is unique. You know this. We know this. And yet, so often, solutions and apps created to manage...