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EDUCause IT Issues 2021: The ‘Transform’ Scenario
The EDUCause report on the most pressing IT issues for higher ed next year, Top IT Issues, 2021: Emerging from the Pandemic, presents readers with the three scenarios facing most higher ed institutions right now: Restore, Evolve, and Transform....
How Can Your Institution Help ‘Potential Completers?’
According to a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, of the 36 million American adults today who completed some college but never graduated, about 10% (3.5 million people!) have been branded “potential completers.” These are people who have at least...
How To Combat the Coming College Enrollment Crisis
Ever watched one of those TV shows about doomsday preppers? You know, the ones where people stockpile food supplies, build underground bunkers, and practice what they’d do to survive in a post-apocalyptic world? Well, there may not be a killer asteroid or a zombie...
Is Your Institution Equipped To Support Disadvantaged Students?
Everyone involved in higher ed ultimately has one goal - helping students succeed. In fact, it might be better stated this way - helping as many students succeed as possible. That means truly supporting every single student currently attending your institution, as...
Is Your Institution Ready For Gen Z?
Have you noticed how the generation wars have begun to heat up on social media lately? Poor Millennials have been picked on for their generation’s perceived failings for years, but the newest up-and-coming generation, Gen Z, has suddenly come into its own and seems to...
Achieving Eudaimonia
When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself. - Plato On the surface, philosophers and entrepreneurs do not have much in common. When we think of a typical philosopher - we envision someone clad in a loincloth, thinking and brooding on his own, shunning...
How API Management Will Make or Break Your Organization in 2019
Okay, okay, we know that title makes a pretty bold claim. You may be saying to yourself, I don’t even know what an API is. My organization has gotten this far without messing around with API management, as far as I know - how on earth could it make or break us? Or...
What the Heck Is an API Management Platform and Why Do I Need It
People in the world of IT toss around a lot of jargon that the uninitiated don’t always understand. For example, most people have at least heard the term ‘API’ at some point, right? But when it comes to understanding what APIs are, or what they do,...
Data Management Best Practices for 2019
Does your organization have a love-hate relationship with data? On the one hand, data makes the world go ‘round. It’s what enables organizations to do their thing…to grow…to improve. It guides decisions and shapes strategies. It illuminates the past and informs...
What’s Holding You Back When It Comes To Integration?
Well, it’s time to just come right out and admit it. And honestly, we’re proud of it. Here at N2N, we really are a bunch of nerds. But not just any nerds. We’re technology integration nerds – passionate to the point of obsession about the latest...
Why Choose IDMatch Over the Competition?
Which factors did you consider when buying your current car? How about your phone, or any other tech gadget you recently purchased? Or maybe even a major appliance, like a washer, dryer, or refrigerator? You probably thought about the...
Integrating Slate With Banner? There’s An App For That!
Working in college admissions is a lot like that Daft Punk song “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.” (With significantly fewer robot voices involved, of course.) (Unless someone in your department has one of those voice changer toys in his desk drawer,...
The Secret To Ensuring Data Quality in Your SIS
On a scale of 1 to 10, how worried are you about the imminent rise of robot overlords? If you’re at a 9 or a 10, then you may not want to read this blog post. In fact, you may actually want to take up yoga, or maybe cut back on the caffeine or something. ...
How IDMatch Is Helping Waubonsee Community College Prevent Duplicate Records
Waubonsee Community College had a problem. A good problem, but a problem nonetheless. See, Waubonsee plays an integral role in its community. Located about 30 miles west of Chicago, it’s a learning hub for many students in the area, providing opportunities to...
ACI Worldwide and N2N Services Deliver College Students a Better Bill Payment Experience
ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a leading global provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, today announced a strategic relationship with N2N Services, Inc., a leading platform provider for higher education systems integration. ACI will integrate...
Conversations You Need To Have About Mobile Integration
Light water cooler conversation, this isn’t. It’s probably more of a 2-pots-of-coffee-and-a-box-of-donuts conversation, to be honest. But if you’re looking at mobile integration for your enterprise, there are certain conversations that are crucial to...
Is Mobile Integration Really a Necessity?
So. Mobile integration. Nice to have in place. Definitely cool. But necessary? Maybe it seems like something you can take care of in the future – something that isn’t urgent. Maybe it doesn’t seem necessary at all – you’re getting along fine without it...
Mobile Integration on Campus: You’re Not As Future-Ready As You Think
How many mobile devices do you think the average college student brings to campus today? Let’s see…a laptop, a phone, a tablet, maybe an e-reader? But if you guessed 3 or 4, you’d be wrong. Back in 2015, according to an article in EdTech Magazine,...