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EDUCause IT Issues 2021: The ‘Restore’ Scenario
EDUCause’s report on the most pressing IT issues for higher ed next year, Top IT Issues, 2021: Emerging from the Pandemic, presents readers with the three scenarios facing most higher ed institutions right now: Restore, Evolve, and Transform....
Tapestry of Integration
You know, we may be tech nerds here at N2N, but what people often don’t know is that we’ve got an artistic side, too. And since our integration solution, Illuminate, is specifically made for the higher ed market, and that’s the world we come from and spend our days...
Provost Enthusiasm?
As Provost, it’s your duty (and often a pleasure!) to attend education conferences, learn about the latest and greatest in edtech and higher ed in general, and then bring that newly acquired knowledge back to your university to support the growth and development of...
Build vs. Buy: The True Cost of DIY Integration
This is the story of Bob. Bob is a university CIO. Bob is in charge of allocating his IT team’s hours strategically, so that everything gets done and everyone is happy. So every year, Bob adds up all the working hours that each of his team members will be able to...
Free Puppies vs. Free Beer: Which Is Right For Your University?
You know, the word ‘free’ has a lot of baggage attached to it. “Nothing in life is free,” and yet, “the best things in life are free.” It probably all depends on what exactly you mean by “free.” If we’re talking prices at a store, then yeah, of course, you can’t put...
Rawhide: API Edition
It’s a little known fact that data behaves a lot like a herd of cattle. It needs to be herded by experts in order to get to the right places. It can be compromised if that herding process isn’t being watched with an eagle eye. And it can overwhelm anyone trying to...
How Transitioning IT Will Change Hiring Practices
Take a look at a few of the findings from the EDUCAUSE Center For Analysis and Research’s report on IT delivery in higher education. Nearly half of institutions have outsourced at least one non-cloud service. More than 80% of institutions have moved at least one...
What Is A Hybrid Integration Platform?
And why will you need one in the next few years? Increasingly, educational institutions are moving away from their highly customized ERP solutions, and towards more flexible, cloud-based solutions. In fact, according to Gartner, by 2018, at least 30 percent of...
Illuminate – Not Just For Academia
At N2N, we're proud of our background in higher education and the service we provide to colleges and universities around the country. Illuminate is an invaluable asset to colleges that are running more and more apps and systems each year, and looking for a way to...
The Evolving Role of the Higher Ed CIO
If you?ve worked in IT for any length of time, especially in the field of higher education, then you know that it wasn?t too long ago that CIOs had a very different job. There was no cloud. There was no SaaS. There were no smartphones and tablets, and no wifi. There...