
The Next Wave of Enterprise Mobile Integration: Wearables

The Next Wave of Enterprise Mobile Integration: Wearables

Remember when VR and AR seemed like futuristic fantasies, really only suited for video games and kids’ apps?

Or when smartwatches seemed kinda cool, but not all that useful?

Remember when Google Glass came out to huge fanfare…and then fizzled out soon after?

Unless you’re in certain industries, like medicine or engineering, your perception of wearable tech and the possibilities for its use in the business world have probably been colored by those much-publicized early offerings.

But talk to someone in one of the fields where wearables are rapidly becoming de rigueur, and you’ll get a much different view.

Doctors and med students alike are donning VR goggles and gloves for surgical training using the latest tools and procedures – benefitting both the doctors and the companies manufacturing those tools.

Engineers and architects are able to test out design changes in a VR environment using wearables – and their customers can then in turn take virtual tours and test drives.

Real-time translation earbuds are now available that allow international business meetings to take place seamlessly, without the need for a human translator or bilingual employees. (And yes, this reminded us of science fiction’s universal translators, too – Star Trek, Doctor Who, Hitchhiker’s Guide – take your pick!)

Smart glasses are guiding employees along the most efficient paths in warehouses hands-free, to boost productivity.

Smartwatches and even smart clothing are helping companies monitor employee safety and prevent workplace accidents.

Wearables are not just for consumers anymore.

And the reason is this: Sure, wearables are cool on their own – but what makes them really cool is the fact that they can be used to send and receive enterprise data.

Integrated into your company’s systems, they can boost productivity, speed up and simplify processes, reduce costs due to downtime, and allow your business to fully realize all the advantages of the latest innovations in your industry.  

But the key word there is – integrated.

In order to integrate multiple different wearable devices, and all the apps they run, into your enterprise systems and databases, you need APIs created. And to have those APIs custom coded takes time and money.

Many businesses might question whether it’s worth the gains, to have to dedicate so many resources to API development every time a new device or new wearable app needs to be added into the mix – and they’d be right to do so.

That’s where N2N’s Illuminate API Management Platform comes into play.

Illuminate allows enterprises to quickly and easily integrate any mobile or wearable device, along with all its apps, with their existing systems – no coding necessary.

And not only that – it also prepares the way for any future integration needs. Adding innovative new apps, and whatever yet-to-be-developed wearable devices appear down the line, simply becomes a non-issue with Illuminate, because it takes only minutes to build the API you need to connect it with the rest of your apps, devices, and systems.

See, Illuminate doesn’t just integrate your apps.  

Illuminate hands you the future.

It’s time to get excited about IT again.

Contact us for more information or a free demo today.

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